When it comes to selecting the best fence for windy areas, the challenge often lies in finding a solution that combines durability, stability, and aesthetic appeal. Windy conditions can considerably impact the longevity and maintenance needs of your fence, making the choice of materials and design imperative. This comprehensive guide will take you through the key considerations and options available for those living in areas prone to high winds, ensuring your fence stands strong, regardless of the weather.

Key Considerations for Windy Areas


The material of your fence plays a pivotal role in its ability to withstand windy conditions. While wood might be the traditional choice for its natural beauty, certain metals (like aluminium) and vinyl offer enhanced durability and wind resistance without substantial maintenance.


The design of the fence is equally important. A solid fence might seem like the best barrier against wind, but it can actually act as a sail, catching the wind and posing a higher risk of damage. Designs that allow wind to pass through, such as those with gaps or lattice work, are preferable for reducing wind load.


Proper installation is key to ensuring the longevity of any fence, especially in windy areas. Posts must be set deeply enough in the ground (often in concrete) to provide the necessary support against strong winds.

Best Fence Options for Windy Areas

1. Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fences are becoming an increasingly popular option due to their durability, minimal maintenance requirements, and wind resistance. Their flexibility allows them to bend slightly in the wind, reducing the risk of damage. For windy areas, choosing a vinyl fence with panel gaps or a lattice design can help wind pass through more easily.

2. Aluminium Fencing

Aluminium is a lightweight, yet sturdy material that offers excellent wind resistance. Unlike heavier metals that might be more prone to toppling in strong winds, aluminium fences combine strength with flexibility. They also do not corrode, making them a perfect option for coastal areas where wind and salt spray are concerns.

3. Chain Link Fencing

While not the most aesthetically pleasing option, chain link fences are remarkably durable in windy conditions. The open weave design naturally allows wind to pass through, reducing pressure and risk of damage. For added privacy, consider interweaving slats through the links, though this will slightly increase wind resistance.

4. Wooden Fencing with Spaces

Wood fences can work in windy areas if designed correctly. Options such as shadow box fences, where boards are alternated on either side of the central rail, allow wind to flow through while maintaining privacy. The key is to ensure the wood is treated or naturally resistant to rot and pests and installed with deep-set, reinforced posts.

5. Wrought Iron Fencing

Wrought iron fencing is one of the most durable and wind-resistant options available, though it comes at a higher cost. Its open design allows wind to pass through easily, and its weight and strength mean it can withstand a lot of force. Regular maintenance is required to prevent rust, especially in damp environments.

Maintenance Tips for Windy Areas

Regardless of the type of fence you choose, maintenance plays a crucial role in its ability to withstand windy conditions. Regular inspections should be carried out to check for any signs of wear or damage, especially after storms or extreme weather. Ensure that any issues are addressed promptly to prevent further damage. Additionally, treat or paint wooden fences as required to maintain their resistance to rot and pests.


Choosing the best fence for windy areas requires careful consideration of material, design, and installation practices. By selecting a fence designed to withstand the force of wind yet allowing it to pass through, you can ensure longevity and stability. Whether you opt for the low maintenance of vinyl, the durability of aluminium, or the natural beauty of wood, ensuring proper installation and upkeep will keep your fence standing tall for years to come.